New Rule Configuration

It is possible to define a completely new Rule Configuration hierarchy, after first clicking the Clear button to remove the existing one. Start in the Rules panel, and, from the right-click menu, select New Rule Group and specify the name of a new top level group. Then right-click on the Rule Group and select New Rule to display the Rule Editor dialog. This allows you to create a new rule. Finally, you can apply enforcement messages by selecting Messages from the right-click menu for the rule and then proceeding as in Section Associating Messages with Rules

Continue as above until you have the required hierarchy. When you click Save, the hierarchy will be saved under the local project configuration within the name of the folder associated with the Active Configuration. You can also click the Export button to save the Rule Configuration under a different name and location.

The original RCF can be restored by reloading it using the Import button at the top of the Rule Configuration panel.